Tuesday, December 3, 2013


   In recent months their have been many reports and incidents involving gun violence. These sort of problems bring forth an issue in hand called gun control. One of the most asked questions that fellow Americans have -  " what will the government do?" 

   The answer, it all depends on which party you the reader support. If you more of a Democrat you will want to push for a stronger ban or control on firearms and if you are a Republican you would want to push for less binding gun control, you ask for more freedom on owning guns. Many argue the fact that putting a ban or something along that line, is like taking the American people their amendment right. But also think that although, you may be a good person that would only use a firearm when needed there is some not so nice and good people; that will use it to harm others and cause violence. I think that the government is doing the best that they can to solve this issue, it won't be easy but nothing ever is when it comes to solve something as big as this. 

The government can look into other countries, and use them as an example. But something must be done, no more tragedies should be allowed. 

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