Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Obama addressing United Nations General Assembly

       On Tuesday, September 24 Mark Landler from The New York Times published an article going over President Obama's speech to The United Nations General Assembly. In which President Obama talked about some of the issues that have been talked about in these past few weeks in many news media. Although " a much- anticipated hand shake between President Obama and President Hassan Rouhani of Iran" did not occur, President Obama did address something I found to be very intriguing. President Obama called for a "strong" resolution to be passed by the Security Council. This resolution would impose consequences to the country of Syria, if it fails to turn over the chemical weapons. This in my opinion is one of the steps required to resolve the chemical weapon conflict.

       On another note, President Obama also addressed the changes that America will have to make; "restricting the use of drones in counterterrorism operations; transferring prisoners from the military prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba and ultimately shutting it down; and rethinking broad surveillance activities". As well as the support that he will give to the refugees of the war in Syria "giving an additional $340 million in humanitarian aid". Further more President Obama used the Israeli and Palestinian conflict to promote " the pursuit of peace " and yet another non- violent resolution to the chemical weapon conflict. 

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